Do you know that what are twelfth night celebration 2015? Well if you still don’t have enough knowledge about this news then we are sure that all through this article you will get to know much about the twelfth night celebration 2015.
Twelfth night is basically one of the most prominent festivals in the religion of Christianity that is the entire hallmark for the arrival of Epiphany and the ending the twelve days of the Christmas happenings. On this night all the people undertake with the celebrations and merry making but still there are many misconception about this festival as well.
Some of the people have a notion that Twelfth night comes on the sixth of January so on this way the whole world should celebrate the twelfth night celebration 2015. In the older tradition the Twelfth night starts from 5th January and the celebrations are all commenced at the sunset till the days goes on and on.
Twelfth night celebrations are undertaken on a huge scale in England. This is the festival that marks the end of the winter festival that even highlights the arrival of All Hallows Eve as well. On the twelfth night celebration a small cake is made especially for this festival that is all filled from top to bottom with the beans and all the people ate it.
The person who will going to find the beans first in the cake he or she will going to rule over the feast. The arival of the midnight marks the end of the rule and one more time the whole world will going to get back to normal routine.
In the modern time’s twelfth night celebration are usually accompanied with the foods and drinks. But in the past special cake was baked for this festival known as “King Cake”. In England and French cities the cake was baked with the peas and beans so that the person who will going to find the pea or beans he or she will going to become the king or queen of all the twelfth night celebration festival.
In the year 1601 famous writer Shakespeare even wrote a play named as “Twelfth Night”. In this play he highlights out all the main actions and celebrations that are undertaken in this festival. Twelfth night celebrations play was firstly performed on 2nd February 1602 at the place of Middle Temple Hall.
This whole performance throws the light on the main customs and traditions that are being followed in twelfth night celebrations. In addition, in the year 1648 as well Robert Herrick wrote a poem as “King and Queen” that even shows out the concept that how some person act like king or queen after getting the beans or pea from the cake.
Well all in all here we have all ended up with the detailed information all about the twelfth night celebration 2015!