As we know that every single day has been specified for some special reason that holds down its extreme importance for the world. In all such days there is also a “World Food Day is on October 16, 2015”. Each year this day is celebrated with immense pleasure and fun.
This day is initiated on 16th October as it the concept of World Food Day was foremost put forward by Food and Agriculture Organization in 1945. Each year a theme is associated with the day that makes the whole day exceptionally unforgettable and this year the theme was “Agricultural Cooperatives- key to feeding the world”.
The main aim of this event is to make the people know extra about the resulting hunger situations and poverty calamities in the whole world. There are millions of poor families in this world that don’t even deserve to eat even a single meal in whole day so this day is the utmost dedication to all such families. Almost 150 countries celebrate this day but there is no public holiday on this day. Huge number of charities and events are arranged for helping the poor and hungry people.
Furthermore, many people often get closer to this day through making other people fully aware from the need and concept of the World Food Day. Some of the famous and prominent SMS are as follows:
- According to Lauren Bush: “School feeding is a great tool to encourage education and provide food aid to children born into extremely impoverished situations. The kids in school being fed by WFP are empowered by their school meal to learn and better their lives!”
- According to Archbishop Helder Camara: “When you give food to the poor, they call you a saint. When you ask why the poor have no food, they call you a communist”.
- According to Wallace Campbell: “The best way to help people prevent hunger is in self help programs”.
- According to Jimmy Carter: “We know that as peaceful world cannot long exists, one third rich and two third hungry”.
- According to Anne Olson:“Think of water, people and land as interwoven threads in the fabric of the world”.