Worldwide Ramadan 2024 Fast Timing Duration: The holy month of Ramadan fasting starting in the all over world, during the Ramadan people fasting naturally wake up before the one to two hours before Fajr prayer for to eat the meals.
All day hold the take meals, after sun set and call the Maghrib prayer gets the meals. According to geographical location we share us some fasting time around the world. Time will be calculated by location sun set timing.
Ramadan 2024 Fasting Time Between Fajr and Maghrib Prayers:
Reykjavik, Iceland | 21:57 Hrs |
Stockholm, Sweden | 20:57 Hrs |
Juneau, Alaska, USA | 19:51 Hrs |
London, England | 18:53 Hrs |
Berlin, Germany | 19:01 Hrs |
Toronto, Canada | 17:14 Hrs |
Istanbul, Turkey | 17:13 Hrs |
Beijing, China | 17:00 Hrs |
Dearborn, USA | 16:59 Hrs |
Chicago, USA | 16:54 Hrs |
New York City, USA | 16:43 Hrs |
Tehran, Iran | 16:20 Hrs |
Rabat, Morocco | 16:08 Hrs |
Cairo, Egypt | 15:50 Hrs |
Los Angeles, USA | 15:48 Hrs |
Karachi, USA | 15:09 Hrs |
Dhaka, Bangladesh | 15:03 Hrs |
Mecca, Saudi Arabia | 14:53 Hrs |
Mumbai, India | 14:38 Hrs |
Abuja, Nigeria | 14: 03 Hrs |
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia | 13:33 Hrs |
Punta Arenas, Chile | 13:26 Hrs |
Jakarta, Indonesia | 13:01 Hrs |
Rio, Brazil | 12:04 Hrs |
Sydney, Australia | 09:56 Hrs |
Muslims worldwide are preparing for Ramadan’s daily fast, but some of them will have easier time of it than others. The fast begins with the Fajr Prayer and end with the call to Maghrib prayer, which is roughly during the daylight hours. Take a look to see the longest to shortest fasting times in cities all over the world.